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96 GTS
S2 licensed
Sorry, I meant to say .mpr, but it wsa 4:30 AM LOL.

I always thought .mpr's were stored server side, so when you view them, you see what the server sees. I'm pretty sure of this, because the MP Stash space is on the server, not your computer.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Dxdaig will give you basic info

<edit>I should probably read the whole thread before posting....</edit>
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I use a USB wireless adapter, and I do fine. I've only ever been told I was lagging once, and that was because I'd accidentally left Napster downloading in the background. Granted, I race mostly TBO, but I can still race close to other people, and when I save an .SPR, I don't appear to fly everywhere on the track.

Most people aren't in the same situation as you, Becky, where they have a choice between wired and wireless, and I don't see the need to restrict people's use of LFS because of that.

P.S. I'm directly above my access point, and I get 90-100% signal strength all the time, but I need a 60 foot ethernet cable to get to my router, because it needs to go down the stairs, so it's doable but very inconvenient.

P.P.S. A slow computer causes more lag than a wireless internet connection.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I rarely see nascar on speed channel. illepall

Nascar stuff is all Speed Channel shows. True, it's not the actual race, but it's all related stuff.

And I didn't see it was on CBS. That's the first thing I thought and I swear I checked all the major networks, all I saw on CBS was golf. Oh well, thanks for the replies.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Yeah, look at this, nothing up to the British GP is going to be broadcast live...
What's up with Speed Channel this weekend?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
For some reason Imola isn't being televised until next weekend, what's up with that? Does anyone know what's going on?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Yay, Avatars!!
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Does it dynamically adjust or are the people with ridiculously high FPS off the scale

No dynamic adjustment unfortunately, it just goes to 120 and parks
96 GTS
S2 licensed
1755 songs, 7.36 GB, 107 hours 13 mins, nearly all legally purchased
96 GTS
S2 licensed
This sounds stupid, but make sure the new RAM stick you buy is the same speed as the one you have.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
This thread has to be up there, too. Not quite as genius, but good notheless
96 GTS
S2 licensed
What wheel do you have, DFP comes to mind, but I can't remember.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
IIRC, that's Scawen's gaming system, he doesn't develop on that one. (That KB setup could get a tad annoying )
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Physics like this would be a great way to put Karts in LFS, too.

Oh, btw, can you use a wheel with this, or is it keyboard only?
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
This looks like a lot of fun, I'll need to try this when I get back from school

<edit>Do you guys that have it think it'll run on a 3.2GHz P4 Prescott?</edit>
Last edited by 96 GTS, .
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from farcar :What is a 'single player unlocker'?
You mean you have access to all cars offline without buying a licence?

I'm guessing that's the crack, it sounds as if he doesn't know it's wrong to have. My advice to you, Trev, is to buy a liscense, pronto. It'll save you lots of heat.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
LOL, sorry. I missed the, "you guys don't seem as bad" part. Changes the whole meaning of your post It just reminded me of another group of guys that joined from another game and tried to trash the forums, but you don't seem like that

Anywho, welcome to LFS!
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Ok should I delete that?

Probably not, it's not that big of a deal It's not like you were posting pictures of the results of all these lol
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Umm, and the purpose of this thread is... to be proud of racism, and perversion??

We don't need any of that garbage here, thanks.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Cant wait. What a tortures but good that devs dont use those :
  • Skin flayed off of head, face and body
  • Nipples pulled off
  • Fried alive in pans
  • Bound to pillar head down and roasted
  • Mouth slit back to ears
  • Crucified upside down
  • Put in cauldrons of boiling oil
  • Thrown out of windows upon upward facing spears
  • Bodies gored through mouths with pikes
  • Arms cut off
  • Torturous slow burning e.g., burn soles of feet, then up to ankles, mid-calf, etc. until dead
  • Bellies burnt until bowels fell out
  • Women stripped, hung from tree by their hair and scourged
  • Tourniquet placed on head and twisted until eyes came out
  • Ears bored out
  • Tongue cut out
  • Set down (by pulley) into a fire by degrees
  • Thrown to dogs
  • Hung up by the heels and choked with smoke
  • Smothered in caves on mountains
  • Hearts pulled out, which the papists gnawed with their teeth.
  • Some roasted upon spits over a soft fire
  • Some had their bowels pulled out
  • A smith had his brains beaten out on his anvil with a hammer
  • Some had sharp instruments forced under their nails and other body parts
  • Some racked until their bowels broke out
  • Some had their throats cut with butcher knives
  • Knocked on the head with axes
  • Naked women left hung up by one leg on trees until they died
  • Some slain and their body parts set on stakes for 30 miles streches
  • Some had their noses and breasts pulled off with red hot pinchers
  • Some had their flesh torn with the claws of wild animals
  • Murdered in a church during sermon
  • Some hanged by one foot, their hands and breasts in the water
  • Some hung up by one hand with weights of lead at their heels
  • Two tied together and slain
  • Some were torn in pieces by horses
  • A legion of soldiers cut some to pieces with swords
  • Some had boots of boiling oil put on their legs over a small fire.
  • Some hung up on trees by the middle til they died of hunger
  • Women's bellies ripped up and their children trod underfeet
If you want to read about it

Interesting to read, but not quite appropriate to this topic or forum, methinks.

Anyway, I can't play LFS until the second week in may anyway, so this is fun for me
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from P1lot :Could try Super Screen Capture
It lets you put a border round a portion of the page to be grabbed. Think there's free versions there or elsewhere.

Worked like a charm. Thanks!
Capturing an embedded video
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Hi, I was wondering if it's possible at all to capture a video that's embedded in a web page. I'm doing a speech for school, and I found a video clip that would be very helpful, but I won't be able to have an internet connection while giving the speech, and I'd like to embed the video in a powerpoint presentation as well. Could I capture the video with FRAPS, or is there a better way to do it? Thanks!!

Oh, here's the link to the page. ... yeturner/main646223.shtml
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :REALLY?

DO SOME REASEARCH BEFORE POSTING SENSELESS POSTS! < Yes, that is all caps, and I am trying to sound like I am screaming!

Maybe you should take some of your own advice before going off on other people. Need I bring up a discussion about an SRT-4 versus a Camaro?
96 GTS
S2 licensed
I think LFS needs AI as well. Sometimes (frequently in my case) there aren't any servers with the combo you'd like. Especially the LRF class, no one ever races those. I know I could join a league to play them, but I don't have the time to commit to that.
96 GTS
S2 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :Wasn't there a film out resently called the Matriac or something. They where saying about cats and deja vu. That was it. A cat crossed a doorway twice and it was the Matron changing things in the clever computing world thingy with people as batteries or something.

Someone mentioned cats and Deja Vu. Seemed to good to pass up.

That'd be the Matrix